25-year old Micah Davis grew up around 200 vinyls and tons of overseas friends.  Micah took inspiration from a South African project in Johannesburg and chose Masego, which meant prosperity and blessing, as his stage name. Having grown up with an American mother and a Jamaican father, Masego is the perfect infusion of cultures. Proud of his black heritage, as is very obvious by his artist pseudonym, Masego was also the perfect American boy.

With a deep love for the romantic, savvy and the cool saxophone, his love for the strings and chords became very evident early on when he mastered the piano, too, and his lyrics flow without any restrictions. Having grown up around strong women all his life and hailing from a culture with strong women, his music definitely reflects his appreciation of the gender and reflects on his relationship with the women in his life.

Masego is a free spirit. Ultimately hoping to afford a large enough house to create a space for his musician buddies, he’s all about loving music for the feelings it evokes and the sense of community he’s associated with it. He aims to use his music as a platform to reform the narrative of the female gender and rewrite what a young Jamaican sees black love as.

Claiming that his whole brand is based on women, Masego’s fashion is all about cultural prints while sporting a bougie Givenchy here and there. Having grown up around gospel music and bringing his own take to trap jazz, Masego’s pretty vocal about his distaste for rap music.

Soulful, sweet and definitely the ideal woke boyfriend of today, Masego is an absolute sweetheart offstage as we gathered from his interviews. He loves a great laugh and doesn’t shy away from telling the world what his ideal partner would be like. He also believes his passion will take him far. With an already different take on mainstream music, Masego really has produced wonders so far.

Talented and with so much more to show us, Masego is definitely a great sound. His music is different,– it’s not like the usual ruckus you’re used to hearing on the radio. Merging classical sounds with the modern music of today, he’s definitely managed to find a balance that strokes well. We can’t wait for more!